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Fans of Sade — and a recent single released this March — have received cherished news of new songs, incoming.

State of Sound

GLOBAL — In a July interview with R&B Rated Stuart Matthewman, one of the core and original musicians that make up Sade the band, revealed that the group has been at work on what may become a new album. The words from Matthewman during the interview are at once wonderfully encouraging, a bit sobering (holding one’s breath till the release date wouldn’t be wise), and frankly humorous.

From Stuart Matthewman:


“We’re working on a new album…. a bunch of songs.”


“When we’re happy, then we’ll let everyone else hear it.”


“It might sound funny but we write and do music to please ourselves and just hope that [we] have good taste and other people will like it.”


“The record company knows there’s no point in nagging us or giving us deadlines. It doesn’t really help the process.”


“[Sade’s] not interested in the fame or any of that [other] stuff. She likes to put out art. So when it’s ready, it will come out.”


“Years ago, I think it was when ‘By Your Side,’ the song came out, and big posters were stuck around New York. Someone sprayed or wrote on top of it, ‘Bitch sings when she wants to.’ Sade loved it.”

Lifelong, and perennially patient, fans can only smile at this interview, and look forward to more of the updates we provide below.

Our Updates

28 November 2018: LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — For the feature film, Widows, (directed by Steve McQueen, who made the request for a song) Sade releases another new single, “The Big Unknown.” The classically arranged and keening meditation on grief is to be heard as the credits roll.

5 March 2018: LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — As part of the soundtrack for the feature film, A Wrinkle in Time, (directed by Ava DuVernay, who made the request for a song) Sade releases a first new single in seven years, “Flower of the Universe,” for which we provide an article review.


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