Hennepin County invites students to spend History Day at library programs on how to read, research, propose, write history projects.
Genre: Archives, Libraries, History, Education (Primary and Secondary).
Venue: Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Dates: December 1, 2018 and January 26, 2019.
Sponsors: Hennepin County Public Library System, Minnesota Historical Society, and the Department of History at the University of Minnesota.
Description: As part of National History Day in Minnesota, the Hennepin County Public Library System invites readers, learners and writers of history of all grades and ages to its libraries on December 1 and January 26.
National History Day has for several years been designed and promoted as a yearly academic event for middle- and high-school students to conduct original research on historical topics that interest them. This year’s research theme is Triumph and Tragedy in History.
At Hennepin County libraries students in the community will have access to librarians, Minnesota History Day staff and University of Minnesota mentors, who will be on hand to help them choose, start, and develop their History Day research projects.
For more details, including a full program of events, please see the event’s official site at the library. You may also see the Minnesota Nation History Day site here.