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FAO, WHO, WTO host a conference in Addis Ababa on the future of world food safety for peoples, economies, environments.

Genre: Health, Food, Conferences.

Venue: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Dates: February 12-13, 2019.

Convenors/Sponsors: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the African Union.

Description: Responding to an estimated yearly incidence of 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses annually, this joint conference on food safety with address the continually significant threat unsafe food poses to human populations as well as their societies and economies. The disproportionately vulnerable and marginalized will be a a primary focus, including women, children, migrants, and communities undergoing conflict.

Attendees will consist of government officials and policymakers working in ministries of health and agriculture, researchers and practitioners in medicine, health and the sciences, private and public agencies, and representatives from sectors of the food industry. Priorities for presentations and discussions will be to:

  • identify key actions and strategies to address current and future challenges to food safety globally; and
  • strengthen commitment at the highest political level to scale up food safety in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

For more details, please see the event’s official sites at the WHO and the FAO.

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