Genre: Film, Remake, Adaptation (from short story).
Venue: United States and Worldwide Release.
Date: October 5, 2018.
Primary Creators/Distributors: Bradley Cooper (director, co-writer, co-producer) and Warner Bros Pictures.
Primary Actors: Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Sam Elliott, Dave Chappelle, and Andrew Dice Clay.
Description: Two performances — among several strong ones in the film — make this version of A Star Is Born a captivating and classic cinematic experience. That of Lady Gaga, who draws from her deep well of talent and own life experience rising to fame as a musician, writer, powerfully vocalled singer, and performer. And that of Bradley Cooper, who arrives with a now honed ability to communicate vulnerability, equal skill directing the film, and a revealed talent at the microphone and with a guitar. The synergy between these two is palpable from their first meeting at a bar to their last scene by a piano. And between those frames the filmgoer is quite simply taken on a journey, the kind films are made for. A work to be seen, and heard, in the theaters, and later at home.
For more, see the film’s official site here.